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Lille Langebros møde med Christianshavn er et sted, hvor biler, cyklister og fodgængere let krydser klinger.
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Meget enig. For en ingeniør er en bro en enkeltstående, spændende opgave. For os andre er den et lille stykke af vejen.
Det er faktisk lidt påfaldende, at det kun gælder cykelbroer! Bilbroer har ikke det samme problem.Great to hear. We know for a fact that at least some employees at the right department at the city hall follow what is going on in the app. We are also (still) working on a formalised collaboration with the municipality but it is a long and hard process to go through.
Simultaneously we are in the middle of developing a new version of this site — which will include new integrations with CityChange where it will be easier for readers to get an overview of all suggestions from the app as well easier for us to present relevant suggestions in connection with the journalistic coverage. Expected launch in the spring.
Keep suggesting and voting!"I wish there was an easier way of getting these sensible suggestions into the hands of the planners":
Maybe this should be a "co-creation" function in the TMF, maybe just one person part-time, but integrated in the organisation: receiving suggestions, filtering them (rudely), and value adding through helping with simple graphic sketches, clarifying limitations, giving context (in this case: the original lokalplan, and information such as this article).